Affiliation |
Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics |
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Science ( 2017.03 Waseda University )
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Hyperbolic geometry
Geometric group theory
From Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Waseda University Doctor's Course Completed
2014.04 - 2017.03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Josai University Faculty of Sciences Assistant Professor
Gakushuin University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
2021.04 - 2024.03
Waseda University Lecturer
2018.04 - 2021.03
Waseda University
2017.04 - 2018.03
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Currents on cusped hyperbolic surfaces and denseness property Reviewed
Dounnu Sasaki
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 16 ( 3 ) 1077 - 1117 2022.10
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH
DOI: 10.4171/ggd/688
Subset currents on surfaces Reviewed
Dounnu Sasaki
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 278 ( 1368 ) 2022.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:American Mathematical Society (AMS)
<p>Subset currents on hyperbolic groups were introduced by Kapovich and Nagnibeda as a generalization of geodesic currents on hyperbolic groups, which were introduced by Bonahon and have been successfully studied in the case of the fundamental group of a compact hyperbolic surface . Kapovich and Nagnibeda particularly studied subset currents on free groups. In this article, we develop the theory of subset currents on , which we call subset currents on . We prove that the space of subset currents on is a measure-theoretic completion of the set of conjugacy classes of non-trivial finitely generated subgroups of , each of which geometrically corresponds to a convex core of a covering space of . This result was proved by Kapovich-Nagnibeda in the case of free groups, and is also a generalization of Bonahon’s result on geodesic currents on hyperbolic groups. We will also generalize several other results of them. Especially, we extend the (geometric) intersection number of two closed geodesics on to the intersection number of two convex cores on and, in addition, to a continuous -bilinear functional on .</p>
DOI: 10.1090/memo/1368
An intersection functional on the space of subset currents on a free group Reviewed
Dounnu Sasaki
GEOMETRIAE DEDICATA 174 ( 1 ) 311 - 338 2015.02
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:SPRINGER
Kapovich and Nagnibeda introduced the space of subset currents on a free group of rank , which can be thought of as a measure-theoretic completion of the set of all conjugacy classes of finitely generated subgroups of . We define a product of two finitely generated subgroups and of by the sum of the reduced rank over all double cosets , and extend the product to a continuous symmetric -bilinear functional . We also give an answer to a question presented by Kapovich and Nagnibeda. The definition of originates in the Strengthened Hanna Neumann Conjecture, which has been proven independently by Friedman and Mineyev, and can be stated as follows: for any finitely generated subgroups and of the inequality holds. As a corollary to our theorem, this inequality is generalized to the inequality for subset currents.
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
数学セミナー 2020年4月号(証明が書けない/→まずは証明のお作法を身につけよう)
日本評論社 2020.03
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results 【 display / non-display 】
Currents on hyperbolic surfaces and non-cocompact actions
Grant number:21J01271 2021.04 - 2024.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct Cost: \2800000 、 Indirect Cost:\840000 )
Currents on cusped hyperbolic surfaces
Grant number:19K14539 2019.04 - 2022.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Sasaki Dounnu
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\2080000 ( Direct Cost: \1600000 、 Indirect Cost:\480000 )
The space GC(S) of geodesic currents on a hyperbolic surface S can be considered as a completion of the set of weighted closed geodesics on S when S is compact, since the set of rational geodesic currents on S, which correspond to weighted closed geodesics, is a dense subset of GC(S). I proved that even when S is a cusped hyperbolic surface with finite area, GC(S) has the denseness property of rational geodesic currents, which correspond not only to weighted closed geodesics on S but also to weighted geodesics connecting two cusps. In addition, I proved that the space of subset currents on a cusped hyperbolic surface, which is a generalization of geodesic currents, also has the denseness property of rational subset currents.
Grant number:16J02814 2016.04 - 2018.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
佐々木 東容
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\1700000 ( Direct Cost: \1700000 )
サブセットカレントはThurstonの導入した測度付き測地線層(measured geodesic lamination)の概念の一般化である測地カレントのさらなる一般化である.幾何学的対象を測度という解析対象と関連付けることによって,曲面上の幾何学的対象の不変量を解析的視点から分析することが可能となる.サブセットカレントは測度付き測地線層に比べて扱う対象が格段に多くなっている.