Affiliation |
Center of Mathematical and Data Sciences |
External Link |
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Science ( 1988.03 The University of Tokyo )
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Natural Science / Basic analysis / Differential equations
From School 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics Graduated
1976.04 - 1981.03
From Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Doctor's Course Completed
1983.04 - 1988.03
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Mathematics Master's Course Completed
1981.04 - 1983.03
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Mathematical Society of Japan
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
A study of a Fuchsian system of rank 8 in 3 variables and the ordinary differential equations as its restrictions Reviewed
60 153 - 206 2023
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Complete list of connection relations for Gauss hypergeometric differential equation Reviewed
Y. Haraoka
Kumamoto J. Math. 35 1 - 60 2022
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
On Oshima’s middle convolution Invited Reviewed
Y. Haraoka
12 19 - 51 2020
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Multiplicative middle convolution for KZ equations Reviewed
Y. Haraoka
Mathematische Zeitschrift 294 1787 - 1839 2020
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Rigid Fuchsian systems in 2-dimensional conformal field theories Reviewed International coauthorship
V. Belavin, Y. Haraoka and R. Santachiara
Commun. Math. Phys. 365 17 - 60 2019
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
原岡喜重( Role: Sole author)
共立出版 2021
Total pages:402+viii Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
Linear differential equations in the complex domain – From classical theory to forefront – Reviewed
Y. Haraoka( Role: Sole author)
Springer 2020
Total pages:394+11 Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
原岡喜重( Role: Sole author)
講談社(ブルーバックス) 2018
Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience
原岡喜重( Role: Sole author)
数学書房 2015
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
On shift operators for Fuchsian systems of differential equations Invited International conference
Yoshishige Haraoka
PDEs 2025: Recent Development in Theory and Application 2025.02
Event date: 2025.02
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Venue:Boracay, Philippines Country:Philippines
不確定特異性を持つ完全積分可能系 Invited
宇都宮超幾何関数研究集会 2024.12
Event date: 2024.12
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)
完全積分可能系のmiddle convolutionと制限 Invited
宇都宮超幾何関数研究集会 2024.12
Event date: 2024.12
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)
Lappo-Danilevsky写像とSchlesinger変換 Invited
漸近解析とその周辺 2024.12
Event date: 2024.11 - 2024.12
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Higher dimensional Katz theory Invited International conference
Yoshishige Haraoka
Algebraicity and Transcendency for Singular Differential Equations 2024.10
Event date: 2024.10
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Venue:Erwin Schoredinger International Institute, Vienna Country:Austria
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:20H01810 2020.04 - 2025.03
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:15H03628 2015.04 - 2020.03
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:21340038 2009.04 - 2014.03
Authorship:Principal investigator